As a Member of the Board I spent March 22 and 23rd with PROTECT’s lawyer, John Caffry, at the adjudicatory hearing in Tupper Lake for the Adirondack Club and Resort. I first want to say what a wonderful job John has done in representing our interests, i.e., Protect’s and all who are concerned with the environmental consequences of the largest project ever put forth to the Adirondack Park Agency. Many participants in this hearing personally thanked us for supporting such a competent lawyer. See link below for a front page article of the March 23 issue of the Adirondack Daily Enterprise highlighting John’s testimony.
Note that the Group 1 hearings were completed on the evening of March 24, a week early, thanks to the cooperation of the Judge and the participants.
The local press is covering the main points in these hearings, specifically see news stories on the web in the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, North Country Public Radio, and the Plattsburgh Press Republican. The Daily Enterprise also contains a daily blog on the hearing by a native of Tupper Lake.
When reconvened on April 26, the hearing will be held at the APA Headquarters in Ray Brook. Meetings from this facility will be available as a webcast. See APA website for instructions on the use of this capability.
All are invited to attend any of the hearings. See schedule for dates when individual issues will be addressed. Be warned, the schedule may be modified slightly dependent upon progress made the previous day.
Lorraine Duvall, Co Chair
Protect the Adirondacks
P.S. Help our efforts by donating to Protect’s Legal Defense Fund. Contribute on this website or send donations to the Adirondack Legal Defense Fund, Protect the Adirondacks, 897 St. David’s Lane, Niskayuna, NY 12309
Press coverage for March 22 and 23rd: