We need you to come and help lobby Legislators to defend and protect the Adirondack Park! Sign up to join in for Environmental Lobby Day, Monday February 10, 2020, at the State Capitol in Albany, NY.
Come one, come all. You’re invited to come to Albany on Monday February 10th and help make a stand for the environmental protection of the Adirondack Park. We need to show state leaders that there’s massive support for the environmental protection of the Adirondack Park.
This lobby day is a great way to bring your passion about protecting the Adirondacks to environmental leaders in the State Legislature and to your elected representatives in the State Senate and State Assembly. It’s vital that these environmental leaders see fresh faces and hear fresh voices about the pressing budget needs, critical legislation, and major environmental challenges facing the Adirondack Park.
We need a loud and proud crowd to stand up for the following list of big issues:
- state spending on land protection
- state spending on Forest Preserve stewardship, with a special focus on the High Peaks Wilderness, including sustainable trail construction, improvements to parking facilities and shuttles, and public education
- support for more Forest Rangers
- mandatory boat control laws to protect Adirondack waters from aquatic invasive species
- support for the $3 billion Restore Mother Nature Bond Act
- support for conservation development legislation to amend the Adirondack Park Agency (APA) Act to improve the review and regulation of large-scale developments in the Adirondacks
- ensuring that we get the best people to be appointed to the Adirondack Park Agency Board
- support for a feasibility study for a new proposed Hudson River Bike Trail from North Creek to Saratoga Springs
Protect the Adirondacks has joined with a number of other organizations, including the Adirondack Mountain Club, Adirondack Wild: Friends of the Forest Preserve, and Adirondack Council to hold the Adirondack Environmental Lobby Day at the State Capital in Albany, NY, from 10 AM to 4 PM on Monday February 10th.
This is an important day to spread the word about the importance of state spending in the new state budget and for legislation. We need you to come to Albany and help advocate for stronger environmental protections for the Adirondack Park.
Sign Up Here for the February 10th Adirondack Environmental Lobby Day
You can sign up in two ways:
Call us at 518-251-2700 to sign up.
Or sign up by email by clicking here.
Once you sign up we will send you information about the lobby day with directions and background materials to help you be a successful grassroots lobbyist. Now is the time to make our voices heard. Please sign up today and encourage your friends and family to attend this historic day of action advocating for the environmental protection of the Adirondack Park.
Thank you very much for your support and activism to protect and defend the Adirondack Park and our “forever wild” Forest Preserve!