Railroad Company says rail cars are on their way to be stored in the Adirondack Park
The Department of Environmental Conservation and Adirondack Park Agency say they need to review plans
The controversial new plan by the Saratoga & North Creek Railway, an arm of Iowa Pacific Railway Company, to store hundreds of railroad cars on its rail lines that it leases and owns in Saratoga, Warren and Essex Counties will be scrutinized by state environmental agencies. In the past few days, spokespeople for the Department of Environmental Conservation and Adirondack Park Agency have stated affirmatively that their agencies must review any proposals to bring hundreds of rail cars into the Adirondack Park for long-term storage.
“We applaud the state for stepping in and taking a hard look at this proposal to store hundreds of old rail cars on rail lines in the central Adirondacks, including parts of the Forest Preserve. We think there are many significant environmental and legal issues that must be resolved. This controversial project needs to be reviewed by the APA and DEC and information needs to be disclosed to the public,” said Peter Bauer, executive director of Protect the Adirondacks.
Here are the statements from the Adirondack Park Agency and Department of Environmental Conservation:
The Saratoga & North Creek Railway leases rail lines in Saratoga County from the Town of Corinth and in Warren County from Warren County. It owns the Sanford Lake Railway in Hamilton and Essex counties, from North River to the Tahawus Mine.